Remembering the early days at Tropic Air

Remembering how Tropic Air began – very special days
Looking back 20 years – the early days of Tropic Air – when all we had was this one Cessna 206 and one Cessna 182! Exploring the empty landscapes of northern Kenya and landing wherever our wheels would allow.

Above left: The single 10km long sand dune that dissects the vast salty Chalbi Desert.
Above right: further north looking down at the Kalacha springs, where we supported a small permanent grass-roofed camp that was owned and managed by the Gabbra community.
We would land on a track, just long enough to accommodated our Cessna 206 – and taxi to the shade of the acacia trees – close to the oasis which had fresh water and beautiful doum palms, and where the simple and wonderful Kalacha Camp stood.