search, rescue & casevac
Tropic Air has extensive experience in supporting and conducting medical evacuations throughout Kenya. Our helicopters are ideal for remote and inaccessible regions, including Mount Kenya where we work with the Kenya Wildlife Service to evacuate sick and fallen climbers from as high as 16,000 feet. For casevac flights, our Cessna Caravans operate day and night, using bush airfields. These aircraft are ideal for stretcher cases, with plenty of space for medics to tend to patients. Tropic Air is the first choice provider for Northern Kenya, renowned for efficiency in coordinating a response, competent pilots and professional service.

First port of call for emergency situations in Northern Kenya
We have an excellent track record in providing medical evacuation services for the British Army Training Units in Kenya. We are also renowned for quick mobilisation of air evacuations – imperative when time is a factor.
We work closely with the Flying Doctors in medical emergency call outs wherever necessary.
Emergency Contacts:
Tropic Air Hotline: (+254) 0715 018740
Jamie Roberts (MD): (+254) 0724 256700
Timmy Flowers (Chief Pilot heli): (+254) 0716 887691
Iain Njiraini (Chief Pilot fixed wing): (+254) 0710 198823